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Being a parent is a difficult role to play at this point of time. Kids these days often get distracted losing touch with their roots and the moral traditions. And, this disconnect is to increase for sure in days to come.

Light for Life

Here we are offering the Cambridge Curriculum School based on a well-rounded philosophy to stand with the parents and their beloved kids. We aspire to be the ‘Light’ for them and show the way ahead.


Our academic and physical edifices are distinctively premeditated to nurture socially, culturally, and morally conscious future generations who will be value-driven, yet technologically sound, innovative and competent at the global stage. We believe in the practicality of teaching and learning, furnished with widely acclaimed international curriculum and pedagogy. At Golden Buds International School, a group of qualified and experienced educators impart the essence of self-development, confidence, empathy, resilience, and self-awareness, instilled with Islamic practices, life skills and spiritual enlightenment.

For the scholastic aspect, we infuse the Cambridge Curriculum with Montessori pedagogy for kids’ creative learning through experience and hands-on manner. However, academic excellence is only half of our priority. We are instituted on the philosophy that the healthy, conscious, sentient, responsible, and sustainable progress of our society needs a strong moral and ethical foundation. The Islamic social, family and personal modus, as we deem them to be, are the best foundational beliefs that can lead to the realization of success in this life and hereafter.

We focus on the holistic development of the children. We teach responsible application of technologies, sustainable consumption, value-creation for society, protection of the environment, innovativeness, optimism, moral leadership, dynamism, and decisive life skills, with the globally accredited academic curriculum for expediting the development of our country and contributing to the advancement of human civilization as a whole.


To become a pioneering educational institution, having the best international standards, nourishing pure minded people who use their knowledge for peace, and become practicing Muslims.


To establish ourselves as an ideal modern educational institute blended with latest technologies and Islamic values in South East Asia.

Core Values

Practical oriented and case-based education, seamless infusion of Islamic values, latest technology adaption, comprehensiveness, commitment.

Development of Intellectual Intelligence (IQ)

Development of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Development of Ethical & Moral Values

Mastery in Cultural & Digital Intelligence (CQ & DQ)


At Golden Buds International School, we blend the Cambridge Curriculum with Montessori principles to foster creative learning through hands-on experiences. Our approach cultivates a rich environment where children actively engage in their education, nurturing holistic development and lifelong skills.


Explore a myriad of enriching extra-curricular activities at Golden Buds International School, where students thrive beyond academics. From sports and arts to clubs and community service, our diverse programs empower students to discover their passions and excel in all facets of life.


Practical & Project-based Education

Smart Classroom

Individual Student Advisor

Islamic Center

Innovation & Robotics Lab

Indoor & Outdoor Playground

Education through Experience

Exercise & Meditation Centre

Admissions Open

Session 2024-2025 | PG - A Level